Analysis of Global Minimum Cost Function for Feedforward Neural Networks 前馈神经网络的代价函数全局最小值分析
Since the real line can be considered an ordered space, there will be only one global minimum point in objective space. 由于实数线可以被视为一个有序的空间,在目标空间中将只有唯一一个全局性的的最低点。
Clinical teaching practice on training medical students who should meet the "global minimum basic requirements" 培养符合:“全球最低基本要求”医学生的监床教学实践
The chaos algorithm combining with gradient descending method is adopted to improve the training, so that the global minimum of the calculation can quickly be found. 在网络训练方法的选择上,将混沌优化算法和梯度下降法相结合,使计算能够迅速收敛到全局极小点。
In this paper a global optimization algorithm is proposed for locating global minimum of sum of linear ratios problem ( P) with coefficients. 对带系数的线性比式和问题(P)提出一确定性全局优化算法。
The deterministic techniques cannot promise the global minimum of Gibbs free energy. 确定性算法通常不能保证得到吉布斯自由能最小值;
Objective To learn about the attitudes and understanding of resident doctors with concerning Global Minimum Essential Requirements in Medical Education ( GMER). 目的通过调查住院医师对全球医学教育最基本要求(GMER)的实用性评价,为GMER在我国的大规模应用提供有益信息。
Genetic algorithm used in determining the global minimum factor of safety of slopes 遗传算法在确定边坡稳定最小安全系数中的应用
We prove memory simulated annealing converge to the global minimum point with probability one under suitable condition. 针对记忆模拟退火算法进行了收敛性分析,在较弱的条件下证明了该算法以概率1收敛到全局最优解;
It is shown that this algorithm ensures convergence to a global minimum with probability1in a compact region of a weight vector space. 关于算法分析的定理证明了这种混合算法对于紧致集内的权向量构成的任意连续函数能依概率1收敛于全局极小值。
The concept of bottom function of bottomed set is introduced and its closures and conjugates are used to establish a semi-infinite programming model for solving a global minimum problem. 提出了R~(n+1)中有底集的底函数的概念,讨论了它的闭包和共轭,并应用它们,建立了求整体极小问题的半无限规划模型。
The modified algorithm proposed in this paper can convergence on a global minimum. 本文提出的改进算法能收敛到全局最小点,从而解决了这个问题。
In most cases, these circuit structures may avoid some local minima and find a global minimum. 许多情况下,该电路可以避免一些局部最小值,而找到一个全局最小值。
In theory, the algorithm converges to the global minimum point with probability one under suitable condition. 在理论上,证明了该算法以概率为1收敛到全局最优解。
In this paper, a new global optimizing algorithm that combines the modified Quasi-Newton method and the improved genetic algorithm is proposed to find the global minimum of the total error function of a fuzzy neural network. 本文给出了一种将改进的拟牛顿算法与具有新型交配方式和可变变异概率的遗传算法相结合的全局寻优算法,用以搜索模糊神经网络误差函数的全局最小点。
In order to improve global quality of medical education, World Federation of Medical Education ( WFME) and Chinese Medical Board ( CMB) established partly international standards for undergraduate medical education and Global Minimum Essential Requirements ( GMER). 世界医学教育联合会(WFME)和纽约中华医学基金会(CMB)为提高全球医学教育质量分别制定了本科医学教育国际标准和全球医学教育最低基本要求。
As for the simulated annealing algorithm, convergence to the global minimum can be achieved theoretically if the calculation time is long enough, but the result of global optimization is not ideal in practice because of the restriction of calculation speed and time. 模拟退火算法理论上只要计算时间足够长,就可以保证收敛于全局最优点。但是在实际算法的实现过程中,由于计算速度和时间的限制,全局寻优点的效果并不理想。
This method not only resolves the uncertain problem of the calculating block size of traditional template matching method, but also removes the bad influence of the starting point of the optimization and insures to find global minimum. 该方法不仅解决了传统模板匹配方法中子块图像分解的不确定性问题,而且还克服了常规优化方法易受初值影响而陷入局部最优的问题,有效的保证了解的收敛。
It can help the gradient method to skip the local optimum and achieve the global minimum. 该算法能帮助梯度法跳出局部最优,获得全局最优解,并对算法的收敛性进行了证明。
The spectral-estimation matrix is formed from the projection matrix to estimate the direction of arrival and unknown error's parameters simultaneously, and the simulation annealing is utilized to guarantee that algorithm converges to the global minimum. 对在模型失配的情况下,利用投影矩阵所形成的谱估计矩阵,同时对信号的到达方向及未知的模型误差参数进行估计,并利用退火模拟算法保证算法能收敛于全局最优解。
Methods Parse the Global Minimum Essential Requirement in Medical Education. 方法对全球医学进行内涵解释和运作要求。
In this paper a deterministic global optimization algorithm is proposed for locating global minimum of a class of sum of linear ratios problem ( P), which can be applied to engineering designs. 对许多工程设计中常用的一类带常系数线性比式和问题(P)提出一确定性全局优化算法。
A hybrid algorithm combining PID-BP and revised Solis& Wets random optimal method has a very fast convergence speed and can achieve the global minimum in a limit number of recursions. 由PID型BP算法和修正的Solis&Wets随机最优化方法既具有快速收敛性,又能在有限次的迭代里实现全局最小。
PSO is applied to benchmark functions comparing with sequential quadratic programming SQP. And PSO can get the global minimum quickly while SQP is going to be trapped in local minimum point. 将PSO与序贯二次规划(SQP)算法进行对比仿真实验,求解两个标准函数优化问题,结果表明PSO能够快速有效地求得全局最小点,而SQP则很容易陷入局部极小点。
Objectives To achieve the goal of Global Minimum Essential Requirement in Medical Education. 目的为达到全球医学教育最低基本要求。
Stereo matching problem in vision, the energy minimization based on graph cut has better robust and practical as the traditional optimizations, it can get a strong kind local minimum or global minimum. 在视觉立体匹配问题中,基于图割理论的能量最小化方法相对于传统的优化方法具有更好的鲁棒性和实用性,可以取得具有很强性质的局部最小值或者全局最小值。
In this paper, the genetic algorithm is adopted, which has the ability to search a global minimum, and weights and valves value of the traditional BP network are optimized, which leads to a faster converging rate and excludes the defect of non-convergence. 本文利用了遗传算法的全局最优搜索能力,对传统BP神经网络的初始权值和阈值进行了优化,有效的加快神经网络的学习速度改善其不收敛的缺陷。
In this method, aliasing-caused zigzag-discontinuities are formulated into the cost-function via an unconventional approach to ensure the cost-function to be smooth and concave around the global minimum. 在本方法中,由于模糊造成的锯齿状不连续性都通过一个非传统的方法包含在一个价值函数公式中,这样可以确保价值函数在全局极小值周围的平滑和收敛性。
But the convergence speed is still slow and the ICP algorithm may not converge to a global minimum. 但ICP配准算法的收敛速度较慢,且不能保证收敛到全局最优点。